Our Curriculum
The Cristo Rey Brooklyn curriculum and instructional program was developed with and by academic partners in the Cristo Rey Network. Teachers integrate specific content benchmarks as well as benchmarks in literacy, thinking practices, and lifelong learning behaviors into their annual plans and practices.
Students at Cristo Rey Brooklyn are required to complete graduation requirements of:
5 units of English [including English Reinforcement (1 credit)]
4 units of Math
4 units of Science
4 units of Religious Studies*
3 units of Social Studies
3 units of Foreign Language
1.5 units of Physical Education
Additionally, all students must complete the following:
1 unit of College Level Electives
.5 unit Fine Arts
.5 unit Health
.5 unit Professional Writing
*Transfer students from non-religious schools may be eligible for a replacement course to be taken over the summer.
Honors classes often offer the same curriculum as our other college prep classes but are tailored for high-achieving students — covering additional topics or some topics in greater depth.
Advanced Placement (AP)
Advanced Placement classes cover the breadth of information, skills and assignments found in corresponding college courses. Aligned with the standards and expectations of leading liberal arts and research institutions it provides motivated and academically prepared students with the opportunity to study and learn at the college level.
Dual-Credit Courses
These courses allow students to enroll in courses at local college partners and receive credit at both CRB and that college upon successful completion.
Current Partners:

Summer Training Program
All incoming Cristo Rey Brooklyn students complete the Summer Training Program the summer before they begin school. Students’ full acceptance into Cristo Rey Brooklyn High School and the Corporate Work Study Program is contingent on successful completion of the four-week Summer Training Program. Throughout the program students learn computer skills in both the Google Suite and Microsoft Office, professional etiquette, basic office tasks, networking skills, resume writing, as well as basic math and literature. The program incorporates not only traditional classroom style instruction, but also hands-on learning opportunities, including visits to partner organizations and a practice networking event. In addition to preparing students to be successful at their job placements, the Summer Training Program also looks to integrate students into the larger Cristo Rey Brooklyn community, introducing them to our Catholic identity and college-bound culture.
At the end of their training, students are equipped to:
Perform basic office duties including filing, faxing, copying, and inter-office mail processing
Work with applications in both the Google Suite and Microsoft Office
Receive and record phone messages in a professional manner
Navigate successfully around, greet and converse with adults in the workplace
Become proactive at work
If you'd like to learn more or would like additional information email: info@cristoreybrooklyn.org